
I-Cycle Film series

Being a longtime supporter of and innovator in the bike community, PUMA® releases the I-Cycle Film Series, dedicated to exploring bike culture and it's influencers.

The I-Cycle Film Series focuses on some of today's biggest advocates for two-wheeled life, including - Matthew McGuinness, a co-founder of The 62, a Brooklyn-based art collective who started Re-Bicycle; George Bliss, the man behind New York's Pedi-cabs; Brendt Barbur, founder of The Bicycle Film Festival, Matthew Modine, actor and founder of Bicycle-For-A-Day, an ongoing initiative to encourage and inspire individuals to leave their cars in the garage and reduce their carbon footprints on the world; and finally, Antonio Bertone, PUMA's CMO and one of the main reasons for PUMA's presence in the bicycle world.

Check out the all the short films at PUMA.

Pics & head-up: SlamxHype
